Rollspel som bara släppts i Japan. Ganska ovanligt.
Är lite som en dragon quest parodi. Välgjord och rolig.
Vi kan lägga in en engelsk inofficiell översättning till extra kostnad.
Really what we have here is Dragon Quest with a sense of humor that takes place in a more ancient Japan-like setting. The storyline is really basic but that is expected. You are the son of some great warrior and go out on a quest to fight some evil dude. That’s pretty much it.
The graphics aren’t much better than that of any of the Dragon Quest games released on the NES. Battles are identical to Dragon Quest as well so if you like a fairly basic battle system than you will love this. Really my only issue was in gaining exp. I am old school but I have well grown out of having to massively grind levels to push a relatively short game.
The translation was great. Although there is not really much to go on as most NPC have very few words. But the dialog was hilarious in sections. Particularly the opening dialog in which the lead character makes a reference to wanting to get laid. Frankly it was the translation that made this a very fun experience. --
Videon visar den engelska versionen.
Rengörs och testas innan det skickas. Bilden är ett exempel. Spelet är i bra skick men kan ha text eller märken på baksidan, eller ha lättare gulnad.
Musashi no Bouken, FC
Artikelnr: FC-356 | Antal sålda: 1 st |
Skapad: 2018-05-31 | Uppdaterad: 2023-06-15 |
99 kr