(visa ny flik)
Kan endast spelas på japansk eller regionsfri konsol. De flesta spel kan även spelas med adapter.
RPG från Sunsoft.
Släpptes bara i Japan och har japansk text.
Skick enligt foton.
"The title is a reference to Musashibo Benkei, the famous warrior monk who served Yoshitsune during and after the Genpei Wars. However, this game takes place in 1274, 80 years after the death of Yoshitsune and Benkei. Kublai Khan has just attempted his first invasion of Japan, which was repelled by the "kamikaze" hurricane. Immediately Japan begins to prepare for his next invasion (which happened in 1281). There are various legends about Yoshitsune, claiming that he didn't commit seppuku but instead escaped and lived in Hokkaido, or even that he went to China and became Genghis Khan." / superfamicomrpgs.blogspot.com
Kan endast spelas på japansk eller regionsfri konsol. De flesta spel kan även spelas med adapter.
Benkei Gaiden - Suna no Shou (boxat), SFC
Artikelnr: SFC-0531B | Antal sålda: 0 st |
Skapad: 2023-05-10 |
199 kr
Lagerstatus: 1